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Illustration for Action Fantasy web novel contest (1).jpg

Art by: LucentYuzu


Hear ye, hear ye! Knights, mages, and adventurers of realms far and wide, for the grandest quest of storytelling awaits! Announcing the inaugural Tapas Action Fantasy Tourney, a spectacle of valor, mana, and prose.


Embark upon this epic journey where heroes rise, villains fall, and legends are forged in ink. This contest calls forth experienced and novice wordsmiths alike, bound to the realm of web novels alone. Only those daring enough to wield the quill or keyboard may enter!


CONTEST PERIOD: August 01 to October 24, 2024

Behold the Rules of Engagement


  • Genre: Action Fantasy

  • Language: English

  • Volume: A minimum of 20 chapters per submission is required

  • Length: Each submission must span between 1500 - 2300 words per chapter

  • How to enter: Post a new novel series and use “Tapas_AF_Tourney” in the tag section

  • Entrants: Must be at least 18 years of age and a resident of one of the participating countries

  • All stories must abide by Tapas Entertainment, Inc.’s content policy and cover policy

  • We do not accept works created with the assistance of any AI tools. This includes cover art, thumbnails, and banners

  • All winners will be notified by email


Prepare your quills and sharpen your wits, for the quest commences on August 1st, 2024, and shall endure until October 24th, 2024. May your tales resonate throughout the annals of the digital realm!


Enter the Tapas Action Fantasy Tourney and carve your name into the chronicles of fantasy lore. Glory and renown await those whose stories captivate and enthrall!



The Bards of Tapas




10 winners will be selected to continue serializing and monetizing their novel on Tapas.



$15,000 advance

Launch marketing support

Editorial support

Cover design support


$10,000 advance

Launch marketing support

Editorial support

Cover design support


$2,000 advance

Launch marketing support

Editorial support

Cover design support


$6,000 advance

Launch marketing support

Editorial support

Cover design support


$2,000 advance

Launch marketing support

Editorial support

Cover design support


Contract options to continue serializing on Tapas and monetizing your story. Standard marketing and art support

Judging Criteria

1. Top 50 Judging


Judges will select the top 50 stories based on story and writing quality, as well as cumulative views, likes, and subscribers on Tapas.

2. Top 25 Reader Vote


During a voting round, readers will submit their choices to determine the top 25 stories.

3. Winner Judging


Judges will select the final 10 prizes by reassessing each of the finalists for story and writing quality.


Frequently Asked Questions

What qualifies as an Action Fantasy story?

Action Fantasy is defined by intense conflicts and adrenaline-pumping action sequences in which heroes wield unusual powers or skills in high-stakes adventures.​


What are some different kinds of Action Fantasy stories? 

LitRPG: Stories in which characters interact in a game-like setting with leveling, stats, and quests. Cultivation: These stories depict characters achieving spiritual strength and immortality via intense training and mystical rituals. Cyberpunk: Futuristic stories about advanced technology, cybernetics, and dystopian societies, frequently involving themes of resistance against corporate authority. Dark Fantasy: A blend of fantasy and darker themes that include terror, moral dilemmas, and depressing locations with monsters or gothic environments. Dungeon Core: Stories told from the perspective of a dungeon, focusing on exploration, creation, or defense against adventurers. Isekai: Characters are transferred from their ordinary world to a fantasy one either by summoning or death, where they normally acquire new powers to go on epic adventures. Mecha: Include giant robots or machines, frequently piloted by people, that engage in action-packed fights and use futuristic technology against each other or giant monsters. Urban Fantasy: These stories include magical or supernatural elements in a modern city/urban environment, combining the mundane and wondrous. Post-Apocalyptic: Set in a world following a cataclysmic tragedy that destroys modern culture, these stories explore survival, societal regeneration, and the ruins of previous civilizations. Progression Fantasy: Focus on characters becoming stronger and more skillful as a result of hard training with clear progression and milestones. Steampunk: Stories that are set in a universe where steam power fuels modern machinery, combining Victorian aesthetics with creative inventions in a bronze or brass style.

​​​How do I add an entry to the contest?

First, you’ll need to have a Tapas account registered in one of the participating countries. The account must be in good standing at the start of the Contest Period and remain in good standing through the duration of the Contest Period.

To begin uploading a series to your dashboard, simply Click here

When setting up your novel, add “Tapas_AF_Tourney” to the Tag section. You do not need to add a hashtag or ‘#’ before these words. You can add or remove this tag anytime, simply edit your series page and locate the Tag section. Hit Enter to add the tag to your series.


What is the advance? 

The advance, or minimum guarantee, is the guaranteed amount of earnings you will receive for your story. This guaranteed amount will be payable upon entering into a formal exclusive publishing contract with Tapas Entertainment, Inc. Revenue share earnings will begin once the minimum guarantee has been earned out after third-party fees. 


Can I enter with multiple stories? 

No. Only one story per author (that includes pen names! We are not counting pen names as separate people). The reason is to prevent one person from potentially winning all the prizes and so contestants may focus on quality.

If a contestant submits multiple entries using the contest tag, only the work that was submitted first chronologically as determined by Tapas Entertainment, Inc. will be considered for the Contest.


Can I submit a comic instead of a novel?

This contest is for web novel creators only. Please keep an eye out for future comic-focused events!


What countries are eligible to participate?​

Australia Belgium Canada (excluding Quebec) Czech Republic India Ireland Israel Luxembourg Netherlands New Zealand Romania Singapore South Africa Sweden Switzerland Ukraine United States UK

When and how will you announce the winners?
Winners will be announced on January 13th, 2025. We will contact the winners via the email address connected to their Tapas account.


Will the number of subscribers/views/likes influence who wins?

Reader statistics will be a factor in selecting our top 50. However, this will not be the only factor considered. Judges will also be evaluating overall quality of the story and writing to make their initial selection as well.


How do I get my story to have a high number of views and subscribers? 

First, is timing. We recommend giving readers time to get to know your story and follow along. Keep in mind that you do not have to post all your chapters at once, but you do have to post at least 20 chapters by October 24, 2024. 

Another way to help get higher views is to have more chapters. The more chapters you have, the more material you have for people to read. The more they can read, the higher view counts you can earn. 

Another tactic is to end chapters on cliffhangers. If a chapter ends with an implicit or explicit unanswered question that the reader must get the answer to by reading the next episode, then you’ve earned a view for the next episode. The more views you get, the higher the chance of the readers becoming subscribers.

Don’t forget to promote your work. Use social media or whatever outlets at your disposal to make people aware of your story. The more people know about it, the more people can read it. And, of course, an engaging, entertaining story is a must. 


I wrote a story with my friend, can we come together? 

Absolutely! You’re more than welcome to enter with a writing partner but keep in mind that if your novel is selected as a winner, the prize will be divided between you and your collaborator(s).


Can my story be fan fiction or involve characters from other stories? 

Unfortunately, no. Your story must have original characters. We cannot accept stories using characters from other works. 


If I participate in this contest and win one of the first five prizes, am I giving you ownership of my story?

Authors will retain ownership of the story IP at all times. By entering the contest and agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, you will be granting Tapas Entertainment, Inc. the right to publish your story exclusively. This means you can’t put your story somewhere else during the contracted period. The writers, however, will maintain ownership of their story. For the five honorable mentions, we will offer a non-exclusive, 50/50 revenue share contract with no advance or minimum guarantee which means you can publish on other platforms at the same time. 


I published my story on my blog or another free writing platform, can I just move it over here?

Yes, as long as it is an original story that you wrote and hold all rights to and you haven’t previously earned money on this story, you may enter this contest with a story that you previously published elsewhere. However, you MUST remove the story from all other platforms before entering the contest, as the story must be exclusively available on Tapas to participate in the contest. 


I already have a story published on Tapas that would be perfect for this contest. Can I still submit it? 

Yes, as long as the story has not been published on any paid platforms and is taken down from Tapas, as well as any other platform, before being submitted to the contest. 


How many chapters do I need to write? 

For the contest submission, entrants must write and upload at least 20 chapters by the final day of the contest, whether you submit them all at once or throughout the contest is entirely up to you. More are welcome!  


Can I include images in my novel? 

Your story may include images as long as these uphold Tapas content guidelines. The majority of the web novel must be text. 


If I win, do I have to sign a publishing deal to get the prize money? 

Yes, the prize is a minimum guarantee, or advance, for you to continue the story. 


How many words per chapter are needed? 

We ask for chapters to span between 1,500 and 2,300 words each. Your submission must include a minimum of 20 chapters.


Is there a specific format of writing I need to follow?

All stories submitted must be in web novel format. Scripts, comics, poetry, and other writing forms will not be eligible for this competition. 


When does the contest begin and end? 

Entrants can start uploading their stories on August 1, 2024. At least 20 chapters must be uploaded by 11:59 p.m. EST on October 24, 2024.


Who can I contact for any other questions? 

For any additional questions please reach out to 


What are the Terms & Conditions? 

You can read them here


I already have a premium novel or comic on Tapas. Can I still enter? 

Of course. Writers who have existing contracts with Tapas or Radish are more than welcome to participate in this contest, but your submission will need to be a new and previously unmonetized story.

Find Your Quest Party!


No need to fight goblins and dragons alone! Join our Discord and chat with other adventurers in the #Tapas_AF_Tourney channel. 

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